


LED rasveta   |   Rasveta sa senzorom   |   Solarne lampe   |   Alaska
Alaska (77017)
Alaska (77017)
Alaska (77017)
Alaska (77017)
Alaska (77017)
Alaska (77017)
Alaska (77017)


5 950 RSD
Preporučena maloprodajna cena
Br.stavke: 77017
Gde mogu to da kupim?
IP zaštita: IP44
LED tehnologija: da
Specifikacije izvora svetlosti: 10W
Svetlosni tok izvora svetlosti (lm): 250
Specifikacije osvetljenja: LED 10W
Boja lampe: antracit siva
Dokumenti za preuzimanje

The modern-style Botev outdoor solar wall light with motion sensor is a practical choice for the terrace or anywhere on the exterior wall of the house. It can be installed near the stairs leading to the terrace or next to the footpath along the house. This anthracit model that consists of round shapes is made of stainless steel and it is complemented by a white plastic lampshade. The Betov contains a built-in LED lightsource with a luminous flux of 250 lumens, a life-span of 10,000 hours and a colour temperature of 4,000 K, i.e. it radiates natural white light. The smart sensor that adjusts the lamp’s brightness according to the circumstances detects motion from a distance of 5 to 8 meters at a viewing angle of 120°. The battery has a voltage of 3.7 V and a capacity of 2,500 mAh. The wall lamp that features a switch has the following dimensions: diameter 210 mm, height 165 mm, installation diameter 100 mm. The IP44 protection of this outdoor lamp ensures that it is protected against the intrusion of objects up to 1 mm in diameter and against water splashing from any direction.

LED rasveta   |   Rasveta sa senzorom   |   Solarne lampe

Među spoljnim LED lampama možeš pronaći plafonske i zidne lampe, kao i podne verzije. Mogu se postaviti na plafon ili zid terase, iznad ulaznih vrata, ali i osvetliti prilaz ili stepenice. Spoljne LED lampe uglavnom poseduju IP44 zaštitu, tako da kiša ili male čvrste čestice ne mogu da ih oštete.

Mogućnosti proizvoda

KategorijaSpoljna rasveta
TipSolarna rasveta
Stil lampeModerna
Preporučena prostorija za korišćenjeterasa, zid kuće
Temperatura boje izvora svetlosti prirodno bela
Svetlosni tok izvora svetlosti (lm)250
Specifikacije izvora svetlosti10W
LED tehnologijada
IP zaštitaIP44
Boja lampeantracit siva
Specifikacije senzora pokreta5-8m, 120°
Materijal lampenerđajući čelik
Boja abažurabela
Materijal abažuraplastika
Vek trajanja izvora svetlosti (h)10000
Ponderisana potrošnja energije (kwh/1000 ah)10.0
Specifikacije osvetljenjaLED 10W
Primenjena voltažaDC 3.7V
Vertikalno (mm)165.0
Jedinstvena veličina kutije X (cm)26.5
Jedinstvena veličina kutije Y (cm)19.0
Jedinstvena veličina kutije Z (cm)18.5
Neto težina (kg)0.875
Bruto težina1.105
Temperatura boje (K)4000
Baterija3,7V 2500mAh
Tip prekidačasa prekidačem
Dimenzije ugradnje (mm)100.0
Tip senzorasenzor pokreta, svetlosni seznzor
Klasa zaštiteIII
Svetlosni tok svetlosnog izvora300
Vreme punjenja baterije 8.0
Vreme rada baterije 8.0

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